Our state-of-the-art machinery, combined with industry-leading technicians, ensures that your wheels receive the highest quality treatment possible. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and get your wheels looking and performing their best.
Our experts specialise in repairing curb damage, gutter rash, and cracked wheels.
Looking for a fresh look for your wheels? We offer expert refinishing services, including OE reconditioning, colour changes, and re-clearing.
Supply and installation of black or colour-coded flares, to suit most late-model vehicles.
Pot Hole Damage
Crack Repair
Gutter Rash
Repair Scratches
Wheel Restoration
CNC Machining
Re-Clear Wheels
Repair Scratches
Wheel Restoration
CNC Machining
Re-Clear Wheels
O.E Colour Repaint
Custom Colour
Any Colour
Clear Coating
Any Colour
Clear Coating
O.E Colour Repaint
Custom Colour
Supply & Installation
Custom Colour Coding
Supply &
Custom Colour